Vietnam Embassy In Australia
Here you can find contact information of Vietnam embassy/consulate in Australia.

Vietnam Embassy in Australia
- Address:6 Timbarra Crescent, O'Malley, ACT, 2606, Australia
- Phone number:(02) 61694916
- Direct line:(02) 61694915or(02) 61694917
- Fax :(02) 61083034
- Email
Vietnam Consulate General in Sydney
- Address:Suite 205, level 2, Edgecliff Centre. 203 - 233 New South Head Road, Edgecliff, NSW 2027.
- Phone number:(02) 93271912or(02) 93272539
- Fax :(02) 93281653
- Email
Consulate General of Vietnam in Perth
- Address:Level 8, 16 St Georges Terrace, WA 6000
- Phone number:(+61) 8 9221 1158
- Fax :(+54-11) 47820078
- Email
Aside from applying Vietnam visa through the embassy in Australia, Visa on arrival provides a much more convenient way if you cannot afford enough waiting time and effort to deal with paperwork and physical visit to the embassy.